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发布时间:2015/9/15 文章来源:admin 阅览次数:7553次

来华旅游、看病及进行其他私人事务外国人 申请L(旅游)签证须知

Materials Needed for Foreigners Coming to China for Sightseeing, Medical Treatment or Other Private Purposes to Apply for L Visa

申请人申请签证时,须回答有关询问并提供下列材料:Foreigners applying for the L visa must answer related questions and submit the following materials:

1、填写完整、准确、真实的《外国人签证、居留许可申请表》(须用蓝色或黑色的钢笔或碳素笔填写)。Completely and correctly filling out the Visa and Residence Permit Application Form with a black, blue pen or a carbon pen.

2、近期二寸正面半身免冠彩色照片1张(规格33mm×48mm,贴于申请表)。One latest, 33mm×48mm, bareheaded and full-face color portrait for the application form.

3、有效护照原件及护照照片页、有效中国签证、本次入境章复印件。The applicant’s original passport plus photocopies of the photo-page of his/her valid passport, Chinese visa and seal of this entry.

4、来华旅游的外国人须提供能够保证在华生活费用的经济证明(现钞、旅行支票、汇票单据、现金卡等,每天按100美元计算)。Aliens coming to China for sightseeing must submit identifications such as cash, traveler’s checks, drafts or bank cards calculated on the basis of USD 100 per day to prove they are financially guaranteed for their stay in China.

5、来华看病申请签证,须提供县级以上医院诊断证明。Foreigners coming to China for medical treatment must submit identification of diagnosis issued by hospitals above the county level.

6、因其他私人事务申请签证,须提供相关证明。来华访友的须提供被访人的在昆常住证明(中国公民提供身份证和我市户口册或暂住证明,外籍人员提供有效在昆居留证件或长期签证)的原件和复印件。Foreigners coming to China on private purposes must submit related identifications. Foreigners coming to China to visit friend must provide the residence certificate in Kunming of the friend to be visited. If you come to visit a Chinese friend in Kunming, you must provide the original and photocopy of your friend’s ID card and residence booklet or temporary residence certificate in Kunming. If your friend is also a foreigner, you must provide the original and photocopy of your friend’s valid residence certificate in Kunming. 

需复印的申请材料应用A4纸复印。Photocopies of documents should be made in the A4 format.

1、按照我国法律规定,如果您在出租房、居民家中投宿,须于抵达后24小时(农村72小时)内到住地公安派出所办理住宿申报手续。In accordance with relevant law and regulations of China, if you stay in a rented house or lodge at the home of a Chinese resident, you should, within 24 hours (72 hours in rural areas) of your arrival, report and register your accommodation at the local police station. Accommodation registration is not requested if you lodge at a hotel.

2、您所提供的申请材料和所填表格的信息应确保有效和真实,如提供虚假材料或申报信息不真实、不完整,会影响到您出入境证件的获得。公安机关有权依法对申请材料和相关情况进行调查和核实,申请人和有关单位及个人有义务积极配合和协助。Your application materials and information filled in the Visa and Residence Permit Application Form shall be valid and true. False or incorrect materials and information submitted would affect your acquisition of the entry-exit permit. The police agency has the right and responsibility to check or investigate the materials and information you submit. During the investigation, applicants, relevant agencies and individuals have the obligation to cooperate with the police.

3、投诉电话: 010—66266400(公安部出入境管理局)、0871—3051218(云南省公安厅出入境管理局)、0871—301 7586(昆明市公安局出入境管理局)。In case of a complaint, please dial: 010-6626 6400 (Exit-Entry Administration of the Ministry of Public Security, 0871-305 1218 (Exit-Entry Administration of Yunnan Provincial Department of Public Security), 0871-301 7586 (Exit-Entry Administration of Kunming Municipal Bureau of Public Security).

4、咨询电话: 3017878、3017873、3017591。 For consultations, please dial: 301 7878; 301 7873; 301 7591.

5、办证时限:经管理部门审批同意后,您可以在受理后的5个工作日内获得相应证件。Promised formalities-handling deadline: For a ratified application, you will get the permit within 5 workdays after you submit the application.



地   址: 云南省昆明市五华区学府路2号附1号
传   真: 0871-65363601
电   话: 15969415613
邮   箱: 1530739263@qq.com
联系人: 洪老师
手   机: 15969415613
网   址: www.kunmingvisa.com
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