外国人来华探望父母、岳父母、(外)祖父母、同胞兄弟姐妹、叔、伯、舅、姑、姨等亲属,应持L签证入境,并在签证停留有效期内停留,超过有效期的,需向昆明市公安局出入境管理处申请签证。Foreigners coming to China to visit parents, parents of spouse, grandparents, brother or sister, uncle, aunt and so on, should enter China with L visa and stay within the validity of the visa. Those who need stay over the validity of the visa must apply for a new one in advance.
申请签证时,须回答有关询问并提供下列材料:Foreigners applying for L visa must answer related questions and submit the following papers:
1、申请书(说明亲属关系和需要在昆停留的期限)。An application specified with the relationship between applicant and relative in China and duration of stay.
2、填写完整、准确、真实的《外国人签证、居留许可申请表》(须用蓝色或黑色的钢笔或碳素笔填写)。Fill completely and correctly in Visa and Residence Permit Application Form with black or blue pen or ball-point pen.
3、近期二寸正面半身免冠彩色照片1张(贴于申请表)。One latest colorful, two-inch, half-length, bareheaded, and full-face photo for the application form.
4、有效护照原件及护照照片页、有效中国签证、本次入境章复印件。The original and copy of valid passport, valid Chinese visa and entry seal.
5、住宿申报证明原件及复印件(住地公安派出所出具,住于旅店的免交)。The original and copy of Registration Form of Temporary Residence from local police station,it is not requested if you lodge at hotel.
6、探望中国内地居民,须提供亲属的本地常住户籍证明或者实际居住地的相关证明及居民身份证。Foreigners visiting residents of inland China must also provide the certificate of permanent residence of the relative to be visited, or related identification of the relative's current place of residence and the relatives' ID card.
7、探望华侨,须提供亲属的中国护照及国外定居证明。Foreigners visiting the returned overseas Chinese must also provide the relatives' Chinese passports and identification of permanent residence abroad.
8、探望港澳居民,须提供亲属的《港澳居民来往内地通行证》或者《港澳同胞回乡证》。Foreigners visiting Hong Kong or Macao residents must also provide the relatives' Permit to Hong Kong and Macao Residents for Traveling to and from Inland China, or the Home-coming Certificate of Hong Kong and Macao Compatriots.
9、探望台湾居民,须提供亲属的《台湾居民来往大陆通行证》或者《中华人民共和国旅行证》。Foreigners visiting Taiwan residents must also provide the relatives' Permit to Taiwan Residents for Traveling to and from Inland China, or Travel Permit of the People's Republic of China.
10、探望常住外国人,须提供亲属的居留许可或者《外国人永久居留证》Foreigners visiting a foreigner in China who gets residence permit or Foreigner's Permanent Residence Card must provide his/her Residence Permit or Foreigner's Permanent Residence Card.
11、探望华侨和港澳台居民,须提供华侨或者港澳台居民6个月以上的常住证明。Foreigners visiting returned overseas Chinese or Hong Kong, Macao or Taiwan residents must provide identification to show that the person to be visited has resided in China for longer than six months.
1、境外机构出具的有关证明须经我国驻外使馆或者领馆认证, 非英语证明须经专业翻译机构或公司译成汉语。Identifications issued by organizations abroad must be attested by the Chinese embassy or consular post in that country. Non-English identifications must be translated into Chinese by professional translation agency.
2、需复印的申请材料应用A4纸复印。The copy of documents should be copied with A4 paper.
重要提示:Important Notice:
1、按照我国法律规定,如果您在出租房、居民家中投宿,须于抵达后24小时(农村72小时)内到住地公安派出所办理住宿申报手续。In accordance with the law and regulation of China, if you rent a house or lodge at the home of a Chinese resident, you should, within 24 hours (72 hours in rural areas) of your arrival, report and register accommodation to the local police station. It is not requested if you lodge at hotel.
2、您所提供的申请材料和所填表格的信息应确保有效和真实,如提供虚假材料或申报信息不真实、不完整,会影响到您出入境证件的获得。公安机关有权依法对申请材料和相关情况进行调查和核实,申请人和有关单位及个人有义务积极配合和协助。It must be valid and true for your application materials and information filled in Visa and Residence Permit Application Form. If the materials and information were false or incorrect, it would affect your obtaining residence and entry-exit certificates. The police agency has right and responsibility for making investigation in accordance with the law on the materials and information you submit. During the investigation, applicants, relevant agencies and personals have the duty to cooperate with us positively.
上一篇:投资、就业外国人及其家属申请居留许可须知 下一篇:口岸签证申办须知 | ![]() |